Whew! What a week 9. It was hellish at times, frustrating, and just plain hard while also providing those moments of awesomeness. When staff come together during a hard time and bond over the difficulties that have been placed before them always inspires an awe.
It's Week 9! |
Sunday started off like any other Sunday check-in until I got a call while at the pool from Rebecca for help for a nervous camper. Little did I know what was ahead of me. This camper refused to get out of the van, refused to talk to me, or even make eye contact. The mom was adamant that she stay and receive the experience that being at camp for a week would provide. I tried talking to her, her soon-to-be counselors talked to her, and I finally called up Scott who said that it was up to mom to get her out of the van but we would be willing to walk her around and let her see the place. After about an hour, the girl was finally out of the van but not willing to go anywhere. We finally convinced her to go see the barn and the facilities and I thought that maybe we'd made a breakthrough so I left them together until dinner as I had to go and at least get some of my duties taken care of like taking up the EQ girls and finishing interviews and beginning schedules. I chatted with Scott again about our special camper and got some more insight as to what to do. After I dropped off the EQ campers at Scheumann, I noticed the camper and mom arguing again and the camper being resistant and I decided that it was now or never time. She had to either leave her with us or take her with her back home. The mom appeared to give up and I thought that was the end of that. I found out at dinner that she was back and the girl was in the cabin. Decided to leave it at that and hopefully that was the end of that. Got done with the schedules and it was off to bed. By that time next week, I would have done nothing that whole Sunday. Good feeling.
I'm going to miss him |

Monday morning it was so quiet with only 19 campers. I started the clean up process, tearing down the english tack room and washing brushes and such. My "friend" makes it through the morning but, by lunch, tells her mom no more. So she left. We make it through the first afternoon of activities with Steven and me rocking out vaulting. There would be no more medieval games, clipping/braiding, vaulting, or race relay for 2012. After my last evening on duty putting out round bales, leaf blowing the EQ center hay loft, and eating McDonalds that Amie was so kind to bring to me, it was time for Olympics! Tuesday morning was Cayuga's trail ride and we made it, keeping my friend Maggie right behind me so I could keep an eye on her. I continue working on projects in the morning and have to work through lunch to get ready for the afternoon where I'm teaching driving as Amie is headed to Kokomo with her mom. She helps me get the ponies ready after I'd read a scathing email from a mom who was upset that I'd given her daughter a test and they weren't prepared for it. By now, I'm feeling that I'm destined to make people mad at me this week. Turns out, I wasn't done. As I was preparing for the afternoon, after juggling the schedule so that Sarah would help me, Steven would help bareback, and Josiah would help with trail rides, Sarah comes up to tell me that our other staff was quitting. She was fed up and was leaving. Mind you, there are 3 days left and if you stay the entire summer, you get a fantastic bonus. You can do anything for 3 days, right? Nope. Rachel went down to try to talk her out of it while we tried to keep our heads in the game to keep the show going for the kids. We juggle staff back and forth to make sure that all bases are covered and this is when a good staff shows itself. In the hard times. When they have to come together to make it work. And my staff did. Everyone was understanding. Everyone did their job and more without complaint. We rewarded ourselves with a home cooked meal by Sara and then relaxed for the evening.

After a night continuing to watch the Olympics, it was off to bed for ONE MORE TRAIL RIDE!! haha After waking up 15 minutes before the campers were even supposed to be there, I rushed around and had them mostly ready to go by the time they got there. First time ever I've overslept. I had Sara come up and help me as I had a young, very distracted girl in Crow and 3 Warrior boys so one more set of eyes would be appreciated. We made it through the ride (barely) and I was done. 26 mornings I woke up early. 26 mornings of getting a cabin group out the door. And 26 safe trail rides. Whew! Hashtag Boom! We made it through yet another morning of lessons and I spent that afternoon working on the EC, continuing to work on scrubbing buckets. Sara brought me a nice drink as I was working and decorated it all nice. I head off to go to Walmart to pick up supplies for my gifts for the end of the summer and pick up Amie's kids. I was also planning on making breakfast for the crew the next morning since I didn't have trail rides and we needed a pick-me-up. I work on putting the casseroles together and Sara works on her awesome desserts. Some fun time in the kitchen later and more Olympics and it was off to bed.

Thursday morning, I made breakfast and we dashed off to take our "dream team" picture and then our counselor picture. After lessons and lunch, it was time to work on the main stables. Did some work on the tack room and lots of work elsewhere and it was time to head on up for dinner. I had to vent and spill some emotions from the week. Personally, I was done. DONE. Fed up with everyone being mad at me for something I didn't do and just tired. So tired. I could no longer control my emotions. Erin and April showed up for a riding lesson that I'd kept pushing off and at that point in time, there was no way my head was in it. We ate some yummy dinner and then a storm went through that forced everyone into storm shelters. The tornado had stopped around Brookston and we barely got the rain. I conked out on the couch for 2 straight hours and was already feeling better by the time I woke up to go home.

Friday morning we made it. The last person got off the last horse and we'd had a very safe summer. Relief. Off to Pizza Hut we went to celebrate! We get back and continue to work on tearing down the stables. By the time dinner comes, it's definitely bittersweet. We're done. That's for sure. But it'll be sad to say goodbye, to see campers leave, and to settle back into the routine of trail rides. After dinner, my crew takes care of the last horse parade while I try to grade as many tests as I can. We were all planning on going to campfire as it will be Dave's last one and we were planning a tribute. Right as the horses were coming by, 3 stray dogs (not nice) came running through camp so true to form as to how week 9 has gone for us. Just one crazy thing after another. We chase 2 out of the 3 dogs out and tie the other one up and it was off to campfire. I handed out green jackets to Sara, Rachel, and Steven and settled in for the campfire. A lot of tributes to Dave. After campfire, we tried walking the long dog back to the bend but he never indicated which one might be home so he spent the night in the barn. I headed back home where everyone was there working on certificates.
Bye! |
Saturday morning, I slightly sprained my back picking up what would be the last sack of grain I'd even need for the summer. Of course. Just how everything's been going lately. But I got done what I could, found my back belt, and got done lots and lots of chores. One more lunch at RV with the staff and we were off and running to get the barn cleaned in 2 1/2 hours. We get done, say goodbye, and then I was trying to finish thank you cards (how do you express 12 weeks in a 3x5 space?) before it was home to take a shower and get ready for the banquet. Yummy food. Good people. Saying goodbye to lots of folks. Seeing some of them finally get "it", the magic of camp, now that they are leaving, they know what they are leaving behind. Our staff was awesome. We made it. It was hot. It was dry. There were no hobo dinners. No float trips. Some drama. BUT the kids loved it. We made a difference in their lives. God used us in amazing ways. But for now, that was done. No more for 2012. In 9 short months, we'll be back at it. Until then, we'll sleep a little, do nothing for a bit, and relax. We'll pick ourselves back up, work on chores, get back into the swing of trail rides, and wait for those winter winds to be upon us. So, to my campers of 2012, thanks for a great summer. Thanks for joining us. I hope to see you again. Know that the two people below are already thinking of you and your 2013 experience.

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