A Record of Life and Thoughts

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Only In Indiana Do We Use the A/C and Heat in the Same Day

Ah Indiana weather.  Last week, the winds were biting, the cold was chilling straight through to the bones, and ice formed within minutes after hitting the ground.  Today, it's 60 degrees and raining.  I've lived in this state for 32 years and it still confounds me at times.  Contrary to my title, I have not used the A/C recently but if you're from Indiana, you know what I mean?!  But let's see, how has my past week gone?

Usually January is a difficult month.  It's after the holidays so there's nothing to look forward too, it's cold, dark, everything's brown (until we finally get snow), and we know it'll be like this for 3 months until spring is upon us.  I sometimes suffer through, lacking motivation to do much of anything, and try to limp through till February.  This year's been a little different.  Not entirely sure why but it has been.  It's still cold, dark, and brown but I've been motivated.  Amie and I have gotten through several projects for camp-we finished writing postcards, I'm almost done with the staff manual, she's been researching the use of paracord reins for our campers, cleaned up the lower paddocks by getting all the old fence posts out and to the burn pit, cleaned our office thoroughly, and got a head start on ordering bridles and saddles.  I don't think we've ever gotten this much done in a January.  I still have things to do but it's a good start to the year.  Last week we got the EC back in tip top shape, watered the arena, and even groomed it with our brand new TR-3.

Also, I've been keeping up on my running regularly and that could also be giving me motivation in other areas.  Even though it was absolutely frigid last week, I still went out 4 times.  I went out today and got soaked.  ;-)  Feels good to get the body moving.  Usually I "hibernate" in the winter and more than likely gain a few pounds.  I went out Monday afternoon with Amie's boys who needed, badly, to run off steam and Amie asked me to take them with me for part of my run (I hadn't even planned on running it was so cold!) and they did a mile with me and were pretty jazzed about that.  I then went out on Thursday with Braydn and I think he has the makings of a good long distance runner.  He paces himself and has good form.  ;-)  He didn't want to stop much so if I went faster, I'd run up, loop around, and come up behind him again.  Both times I went out after I dropped them off so that I could run another mile or two at a slightly faster pace.

Thursday was spent at Bible study, shopping (Lowe's, Sam's), and spending most of the day in Lafayette with Amie.  She did most of the shopping.  I didn't actually buy too much but it's fun to go with someone else.  I love my best friend!

I worked the weekend with trail rides and Saturday night, Braydn and I went to Andrew and Noah's birthday party.  There was a lot of excitement as we drove through (and around) Brookston as we came across the scene of an accident just moments after it had happened.  I was supposed to leave about 10 minutes prior but I was waiting for Braydn to get out of the shower.  We stopped at the Family Express in Brookston and as I was getting ready to pull out, a police car from Chalmers goes speeding through the stop light and a police car from the Delphi direction slowed at the intersection then went on through.  There were police cars streaking to the location from Chalmers, Delphi, Battleground, and Lafayette and we encountered at least five more on our way out of town that I pulled over for.  We saw fire rescues, ambulances, and fire trucks en route too.  When we came across the accident, we could see the car (turned out to be in pieces) but we saw a few police cars parked on lawns and cops appearing to look for something.  I couldn't be sure if it was an accident or a fire but the fact that the police cars were parked on the lawn made me think it wasn't a fire.  But if it was an accident, what were they looking for?  Another victim?  I didn't have any answers until a few hours later and I found out that we had encountered the end of a police chase (aha! That's why the cops were "looking" for something/someone).  I was grateful to have not left earlier because we would have been travelling south on the same route the chase was going north.  Whew!  Had a good time at the party, got home late, and my travel companion was no help in entertaining me on the way home (he was asleep by the first exit after we got on the interstate).  After a somewhat good night's rest and a full morning of trail rides later, I took a nice nap Sunday afternoon, headed home early and was in bed at a reasonable time.  By Monday morning staff meeting it was off and running again.  The ice and snow has melted, the ground has now turned sloppy, and I just can't wait for it to turn cold again.  ;-)  Until next time.....

Monday, January 21, 2013

Why Run?

Running in late October with Duke
So I just finished a hard cold run this afternoon with the wind blowing and digits well below freezing and I knew that the sight probably seemed absurd to most.  The wind chills were in the negatives and I had every excuse to stay inside.  In fact, I almost did but when it became evident that the boys needed to go outside and release some steam, Amie asked if I'd take them around the loop of main camp to get out frustrations involving school and homework.  I obliged and took them for about a mile or so in lower camp (they didn't do all the mile; I ran ahead and came back and they took short cuts).  I didn't run hard enough to produce any sweat and boy were my fingers were cold!  After I dropped the boys off at the house, I decided to go put in a few more miles and get my heart rate going.  And boy I did.  With the wind whipping around, I headed back out from Amie's house (definitely the wind chill was worse without all the pine trees blocking it) and headed towards the lake and eventually to the oak forest. I ran a few miles, was definitely sweating, and then trudged back up towards Amie's house and the wind.  I made it back and my lungs were startled by the warm air coming back inside.  Which brings me to my post......why run?

The simple answer....I like to.  But there's  lot more that goes into it than that.  So here goes.  Some look at those who run as crazy and nuts but I'm not that hard core.  I don't run every day and certainly not in the morning (in fact, I hate exercising in the morning....muscles need more time to get warmed up).  I'm not into racing or personal bests.  I can say that my dog loves it when I take him with me.  I run because......

1)  It's a great, easy, inexpensive way to stay in shape.  My job is full of anaerobic activity-lots of lifting, start and stop activity, and even more lifting.  This is a great cardio workout that only requires shoes and I'm sure to engage my core as I run so I can work on those abs. :-)  I don't need to be out there for an hour or two.  Just 30-45 minutes and a 3-4 miler and I'm good.  I do P90X on the side to work other areas of the body.

2)  When I'm frustrated, worrying about the job or money, or trying to solve a problem, hitting the road is a GREAT stress reliever.  All my troubles melt away and I come back with a clear head, ready to tackle the problem and my problems seem easier and not nearly as big.  I understand that some may point to the fact that if I turn to God I'll get the same thing.  True.  If you are feeling the need to do something about a problem you can't do anything about, it's nice to have a release valve.  If you're a runner, you know how that release is.  There's something about it that words cannot describe.  Everything seems better when you run.

3)  When I run, I listen to worship music or talk to God.  It's my quiet time. I don't run with others; I don't want to run with others.  This is my time that I can do whatever with my mind.  I can think, pray, sing to myself, or just quiet my head.  If I ever become a mother, I'm sure I'll want this even more.  I still want it now though.  No one demanding my attention or asking my questions or coming to me with another problem.  And I usually run when no one is around.  Pure solitude.

4)  I run for the pure joy of running.  I want to always go farther and faster than I did but I don't set personal goals.  I run till I can't run anymore....and sometimes a little farther.  My mileage is steadily increasing and my time is decreasing.  If I'm feeling awesome and start running and don't want to stop, I'll make a detour and take the long route back.  Back in September I had the run of a lifetime.  It was a somewhat muggy rainy evening that I decided to go out, even if only for 20 minutes (usually about 2 miles for me).  The running just felt amazing and 4 miles later I stopped.  Amazing!  If the muscles are hurting then I'll turn back a little early.  No pressure.

I am toying with the idea of maybe some "fun" races but those typically take place on Saturday mornings and there are two things wrong with that.  I work Saturdays and I don't run in the morning.  I've done one 5K and I hated getting up and my muscles just didn't want to run.  But I do want to get my mileage up from 3-4 miles to at least 5 miles by summer.  I'm working up slowly, as my body tells me.  I am grateful just to run since having foot surgery.  Until then, if you pass me by, don't take offense if I don't stop to talk to you.  I just don't want to stop running!  Happy trails!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

My 2012

A look back at my personal year, the year of 2012:

January had a bit of a rocky start that continued until at least February or March.  On January 6th, I had surgery on my foot to remove a neuroma that had occurred due to some torn ligaments that happened a few years back.  I was excited to finally have a reason for the stabbing pain that I endured almost every time I took a step.  I was no longer running, jumping, and even riding hurt.  I was so ready for the ordeal to be over.  A few weeks into the healing process and a bad infection set me back a bit in recovery.  The pain was intense and I worried that it may never feel good again.  I spent long nights thinking and long days on the couch.  I cried when Amie walked in the door one Monday because I missed working alongside her.  But slowly, ever so slowly, it did get better and I did start walking better and I finally was able to put tennis shoes on again!  I went for a run this fall and have been able to run without much (and mostly without any) pain.  I will always have a scar, some numbness, and a few other minor minor issues but it's so much better than what it was.  Not have intense pain every time I took a step was a huge step forward....no pun intended.

My foot in December.  Just a scar!

In February, Amie and I headed to Tennessee to check out the Big South Fork in Jamestown, TN.  Southwest pack trips was a possible adventure trip destination for our horse pack trip and we needed to check it out.  I was immensely glad to go because my foot almost kept me from going.  Amie was looking for others to go with her but it healed up enough to at least get it into a boot.  :-)  It was a good day!

The day we left for TN was also the day that Dave Wright announced his retirement.  Bye Dave!

March was filled with Brackets for good, girl scout weekends, and the release of The Hunger Games. Why I remember that, I'm not sure but while I was flat on my back two months ago, I read all the books so I was excited to see the release.  My cat Seuss broke her leg that month and we had to put down our beloved (?) alpaca Harry.

April brought the chase to summer camp.  We often felt as though we were watching the train leave the station but we hadn't even made it to the platform.  So April was pretty much summer prep day after day after day.....and May was more the same!  But Drica came to visit and it was great to see her and hang out.  We "hung out" differently than we had several years ago.  Maybe we're (I should only speak for me) older but there's less of the craziness that the Den experienced years ago with Christine, Elisabeth, Drica, Sara, and myself.  Trainings began in May and it was off to the races.  May also brought one more thing....no rain! Thus the beginning of the hottest and driest summer in my personal history.

June-Summer Camp......Dry........Hot.  Yep, that's about it.  A little bit more seriously though.  Seeing that we had no advanced english instructors, I spent a lot of my summer pulling double/triple duty.  Taking care of the horses, kids, and counselors; teaching lessons; monitoring (somewhat) LV horsemanship and our awesome photographer Rachel (she really didn't need me looking over her shoulder); and whatever else was needed.

July-All I can remember is pink eye (yeah!  not!) and the events that still can't be talked about publicly and still hurt personally.  All I can say is whoever you are, the truth will come out and it will be known.  But that's a downer of a subject so I digress......Oh yeah, it was still HOT and DRY!

August was a little different.  Oh wait, it wasn't.  It was still hot and dry!  hahaha  Only two weeks of summer camp left.  Then a little breather and weekend trail rides started up and we attempted to clean up from the summer.  That was how most of the fall went.  Nothing too spectacular.  Had at least one rough weekend in September when Amie was gone to Nebraska and two workers didn't show up and the horses were being complete jerks and the weather was crazy.  I went, hat in hand, to Josiah's house and tearfully asked him for help.  He jumped at the opportunity to help me out and Annie came out too and I was eternally grateful to the two of them.  Amie and I went to Michigan a few days later to a conference and came back with a few new ideas.  Most of the fall was consumed with the fencing project, riding Anthony, a trip to Turkey Run, a trip back home for Mandy's baby shower, and went to Braydn's grandparent day.

Saw some great folks leave camp and were sad to see them go.  Dave, Beth, Vince, Kirsten, Josiah, and Christa-you're missed!

October was pretty much the same.  I did get the chance to get away to Nebraska for a week which was refreshing.  November brought hunting, the end of trail rides, and the start of our down time.  December was full of getting the Christmas staff video done, parties, postcard writing, Christmas shopping, and a small break.  I also got back into the swing of running in late December and hope to continue that.  Every step not in pain is a great step!

How I spent the last day of 2012
So that was my 2012.  Nothing too spectacular.  A little disappointed in our election results and praying for our country and our freedoms.  I had to tighten my budget and wished Congress could take a few notes.  But confident that God is in control, He always has been and always will be.  Praying for a great 2013.  I don't make resolutions so nothing to report from that end.  My goals for 2012 that I listed in January went well.  Got a few accomplished.  Got back into reading (thanks to Amy P for the use of her library card!).  Got my foot problem taken care of (although that almost created a whole host of other problems).  But I don't generally do resolutions.  I understand taking advantage of the new year to get yourself back on track but if you really want to make a change, today is better than tomorrow.  I know Amie and I were excited about the new year and the big changes at camp and we will take advantage of the new year and get lots of things done on our goal list.  Of course we are already thinking about summer camp and all that'll bring.  Until then, there will be lots of feedings, meetings, everyday chores, and planning.

Only in Our World (The world of Amie and Mary Anne)

Surprising the Mucher's!
Almost to Cleveland!

This past week might have been considered crazy and odd in some people's worlds, but not in ours.  You see, Amie had been wanting to go to New York to return her friend's bags of clothing and have a chance to see her coach a game.  She asked if I'd be willing to make a whirlwind trip to western NY and I said, "Of course!  I'm always up for an adventure."  We found out she was going to have a game on Tuesday evening and the weather looked good so we decided to go for it.  And we were going to surprise her.  I mean, who expects to see their friend from Indiana show up on a weekday night to their game in NY.  We talked with her husband just to make sure that there were no conflicts and early Tuesday morning we were on the road with the bare essentials (apples, peanut butter, granola bars, and a small change of clothes).  We had a few crazy moments where it was a certainty that God protected us.  The first happened on St Rd 25 after we passed about 5 cars right next to the road with flat tires.  It seemed obvious that there was something in the construction zone that had punctured all their tires.  If' we had left at 7:30 instead of 8, then that most certainly would have put us there in the same time period that those cars got flats.  Then, later, on St Rd 24 towards Ft. Wayne, we were trying to pass some semis when ice chunks started flying off the top of the semi.  We saw several hit the ground in front of us and saw another one, the size of a small dinner plate, in a flat spin right for us.  I couldn't take my eyes off of it as it hurtled towards us in slow motion.  Amie (the driver) closed her eyes at impact.  Somehow the windshield wasn't broken, cracked, or impacted in any way, probably due to the fact that it hit it flat.  But the noise it made when it hit....whew!.....it made us think it had broken through the glass and it would have been sitting in our laps.  From then on though, clear sailing to NY.  We arrived at the school the same time Faith's team did and we hung out in the parking lot until we thought her and her team were in and settled.  So we went in and took our seats in the bleachers and waited for the right time.  Her JV team took the court and Faith came out and sat down on the player side right across from us and she was looking around, yawning, thinking about the up coming game and I thought I had eye contact a few times but she was just scanning the crowd.  Then our eyes did lock and she gave me the weirdest look (I was told later she thought to herself, "Those adults are wearing hoodies, that's weird.  That girl looks like Mary Anne, that's weird. No way!").  Even as she walked over to us she had the most confused look on her face.  Obviously we surprised her in a huge way and it was great to see her reaction.  It was really fun to surprise her like that.  We settled in for the games and both the JV and V squads won and we got to see where she teaches/coaches and we headed on back to her house.  A good night's sleep later and we spent the morning catching up on life until she had to go into work.  We packed up and headed down the road to Houghton where we surprised Alicia and Jason Mucher.  A stop at Harrington's for some fantastic subs and wings, a maple syrup factory to get the "real stuff", and a stop at a gas station for some "fuel" for us and we were off to Findlay to see Sara.  We didn't get to Sara's until 9 pm and after a good visit we left around 11 pm or so.  Then it was the tough stretch on home.  We got home close to 3 am and spent a few hours in bed before we were ready to tackle Thursday.  Crazy?  Maybe.  Fun?  Yes.  An adventure?  Always.  Don't spend your life waiting for the adventure to come to you.....go TO the adventure!!