Christmas 2012-it never goes quite like you think it should but nonetheless, it goes.....

After scurrying for days prior to leaving, attempting to make sure all was in order so I could be away for a few days, I finally left for home the 23rd. I spent Christmas eve morning wrapping presents and the afternoon cooking. We had our usual steak, potatoes, shrimp, and salad meal and then watched a few Christmas specials on TV. Once the parents went to bed, I started/finished their present. I had a personalized frame with our last name and I filled in the letters with pictures of us as a young family on up to the newest additions. I finished at midnight and it was off to bed. Christmas morning wasn't too exciting, especially after I'd decided that, in order to beat the incoming "blizzard", we would drive back to camp that afternoon so I could put out round bales and check on the herd. I didn't really think we'd get that much snow but I knew they were already putting out travel advisories for Wednesday so it was probably smart. We quickly opened up presents (I got a recliner! Wasn't expecting that.) and got on our way. I was hoping to spend Christmas day doing nothing but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. At least that meant that Wednesday through Saturday would be mostly calm. Wednesday I spent doing little projects while watching an almost all day marathon of NCIS, easily my favorite show. I got emails sent, a calendar made, and postcards written. Wednesday night we watched It's a Wonderful Life. Still a good movie. Thursday we ran a few errands in Hartford City and I was able to spend some time on a great friend's overdue birthday present. Almost done! Went for a lovely run around the "block" and when I got home, I got to talk to three very special kids-Gavin, Reagan, and Braydn called from California. I miss those guys. :-( My mom went to Darlington to watch the boys for Friday and then would bring them back Friday night for Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Dad and I watched The Avengers while mom was gone. We made a plan to go see the early showing of Les Miserables Friday morning and it was a great idea! That movie was amazing! I loved going to the musical a long time ago but the movie, the characters, the music were beyond words. Very long but very much worth it. I would go see it again. We ran a few more errands in Muncie then it was home to keep getting ready for the onslaught of children my mom was bringing home (mom and dad are coming after work). So these are my last few minutes of peace. Tomorrow will be our Christmas with the kiddos and then Sunday it's back to camp. It'll be nice to be back home for a few quiet days before work starts up again.

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