I fear in this country, that we do not value our freedoms as highly as we used to or ought to. I think if we did value them highly, we wouldn't let the government take them back so easily. We can't let our current administration "share the wealth" and continue to strip away our freedoms one layer at a time. (Did anyone else read "Animal Farm" in school and see the similarities to the current government's speech?) We let our government too much into our lives because we expect them to take care of us down to finest details. Whatever happened to personal responsibility? Working for what you have? Paying the consequences of our own actions instead of blaming? I believe that our "inalienable rights" included "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." I don't believe that universal health care, the right to Internet access, redistribution of wealth, and many others were included. I work hard, very hard, for every dollar that I earn and I pay taxes on every dollar I earn. If I want to take my dollar and go buy a computer, nice phone, new car; then yes, I have that right. Don't give my money to someone who doesn't work for it. It disgusts me when someone doesn't work at all, goes and picks up a government check, then goes and buys a new computer because it's essential and their right. No it isn't! Not a right. A privilege...yes. A luxury....yes. I paid for my stuff and theirs. What? Not that there aren't people out there who don't need help, but welfare and medicaid and all those programs are abused and an excuse for laziness. You heard it....we're LAZY. Our biggest enemy is not terrorists, China, or North Korea. It's a disease with symptoms such as entitlement, blame shifting, and a loss of personal responsibility. Unless we get those symptoms under control and stop expecting the government to hold our hand, then we'll continue to deteriorate. I see this disease of "Entitlement" all the time and it astounds me what people think they deserve. We actually deserve nothing. God has given us all we need and it is His grace that has given us freedoms. It is to Him that I give the most honor and glory and respect. God and country.
A Record of Life and Thoughts
Saturday, March 5, 2011
God and Country
So, contrary to my sometimes nonchalant and unemotional attitude about some things in life, I am very passionate about some subjects. One of those subjects is patriotism. Few things in life can bring me to tears just thinking about the subject. Whether it's seeing the flag, a service man in uniform, or stirring images of our past....my heart starts beating a little faster and tears will form. I don't know exactly where this comes from. It could have come from my parents who instilled a love of country in my brother and myself. You stood at attention whenever the flag passed in a parade, you said the pledge of allegiance, or the national anthem was played before a game. I loved it when our sports games were "important" enough to have the anthem played beforehand, when you're standing on the sidelines and looking up at that flag (usually at tourney time). There was no sitting down when the flag passed or any other words coming out of our mouths during the anthem but the lyrics. It demanded our respect and our attention. And I think a head slap would have come from my mom if I hadn't! Her gentle reminder to "Pay attention! I'm warning you!" Perhaps it came from Heritage Hall where "I Love America" programs reminded us that our freedom was never free, it always came with a price. That freedom is not the right to do as we want, but to do as we ought. Either way I gained it, I love my country. I hate what it does sometimes and the decision it makes. But I'll always support my military and respect those who sacrifice for MY freedom. They who gave up their freedoms and comforts to defend ours. My heart overflows with pride and emotion when I carry my grandfather's flag at the camp's 4th of July week. Words cannot describe how my heart feels. It's an emotion and a pride that overwhelms me. I will never serve in our military but I will honor my country, remember those who have fallen to give us our freedom, do what I can to keep it, and respect those currently defending it.

I fear in this country, that we do not value our freedoms as highly as we used to or ought to. I think if we did value them highly, we wouldn't let the government take them back so easily. We can't let our current administration "share the wealth" and continue to strip away our freedoms one layer at a time. (Did anyone else read "Animal Farm" in school and see the similarities to the current government's speech?) We let our government too much into our lives because we expect them to take care of us down to finest details. Whatever happened to personal responsibility? Working for what you have? Paying the consequences of our own actions instead of blaming? I believe that our "inalienable rights" included "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." I don't believe that universal health care, the right to Internet access, redistribution of wealth, and many others were included. I work hard, very hard, for every dollar that I earn and I pay taxes on every dollar I earn. If I want to take my dollar and go buy a computer, nice phone, new car; then yes, I have that right. Don't give my money to someone who doesn't work for it. It disgusts me when someone doesn't work at all, goes and picks up a government check, then goes and buys a new computer because it's essential and their right. No it isn't! Not a right. A privilege...yes. A luxury....yes. I paid for my stuff and theirs. What? Not that there aren't people out there who don't need help, but welfare and medicaid and all those programs are abused and an excuse for laziness. You heard it....we're LAZY. Our biggest enemy is not terrorists, China, or North Korea. It's a disease with symptoms such as entitlement, blame shifting, and a loss of personal responsibility. Unless we get those symptoms under control and stop expecting the government to hold our hand, then we'll continue to deteriorate. I see this disease of "Entitlement" all the time and it astounds me what people think they deserve. We actually deserve nothing. God has given us all we need and it is His grace that has given us freedoms. It is to Him that I give the most honor and glory and respect. God and country.
I fear in this country, that we do not value our freedoms as highly as we used to or ought to. I think if we did value them highly, we wouldn't let the government take them back so easily. We can't let our current administration "share the wealth" and continue to strip away our freedoms one layer at a time. (Did anyone else read "Animal Farm" in school and see the similarities to the current government's speech?) We let our government too much into our lives because we expect them to take care of us down to finest details. Whatever happened to personal responsibility? Working for what you have? Paying the consequences of our own actions instead of blaming? I believe that our "inalienable rights" included "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." I don't believe that universal health care, the right to Internet access, redistribution of wealth, and many others were included. I work hard, very hard, for every dollar that I earn and I pay taxes on every dollar I earn. If I want to take my dollar and go buy a computer, nice phone, new car; then yes, I have that right. Don't give my money to someone who doesn't work for it. It disgusts me when someone doesn't work at all, goes and picks up a government check, then goes and buys a new computer because it's essential and their right. No it isn't! Not a right. A privilege...yes. A luxury....yes. I paid for my stuff and theirs. What? Not that there aren't people out there who don't need help, but welfare and medicaid and all those programs are abused and an excuse for laziness. You heard it....we're LAZY. Our biggest enemy is not terrorists, China, or North Korea. It's a disease with symptoms such as entitlement, blame shifting, and a loss of personal responsibility. Unless we get those symptoms under control and stop expecting the government to hold our hand, then we'll continue to deteriorate. I see this disease of "Entitlement" all the time and it astounds me what people think they deserve. We actually deserve nothing. God has given us all we need and it is His grace that has given us freedoms. It is to Him that I give the most honor and glory and respect. God and country.
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