Ah Indiana weather. Last week, the winds were biting, the cold was chilling straight through to the bones, and ice formed within minutes after hitting the ground. Today, it's 60 degrees and raining. I've lived in this state for 32 years and it still confounds me at times. Contrary to my title, I have not used the A/C recently but if you're from Indiana, you know what I mean?! But let's see, how has my past week gone?
Also, I've been keeping up on my running regularly and that could also be giving me motivation in other areas. Even though it was absolutely frigid last week, I still went out 4 times. I went out today and got soaked. ;-) Feels good to get the body moving. Usually I "hibernate" in the winter and more than likely gain a few pounds. I went out Monday afternoon with Amie's boys who needed, badly, to run off steam and Amie asked me to take them with me for part of my run (I hadn't even planned on running it was so cold!) and they did a mile with me and were pretty jazzed about that. I then went out on Thursday with Braydn and I think he has the makings of a good long distance runner. He paces himself and has good form. ;-) He didn't want to stop much so if I went faster, I'd run up, loop around, and come up behind him again. Both times I went out after I dropped them off so that I could run another mile or two at a slightly faster pace.
Thursday was spent at Bible study, shopping (Lowe's, Sam's), and spending most of the day in Lafayette with Amie. She did most of the shopping. I didn't actually buy too much but it's fun to go with someone else. I love my best friend!
I worked the weekend with trail rides and Saturday night, Braydn and I went to Andrew and Noah's birthday party. There was a lot of excitement as we drove through (and around) Brookston as we came across the scene of an accident just moments after it had happened. I was supposed to leave about 10 minutes prior but I was waiting for Braydn to get out of the shower. We stopped at the Family Express in Brookston and as I was getting ready to pull out, a police car from Chalmers goes speeding through the stop light and a police car from the Delphi direction slowed at the intersection then went on through. There were police cars streaking to the location from Chalmers, Delphi, Battleground, and Lafayette and we encountered at least five more on our way out of town that I pulled over for. We saw fire rescues, ambulances, and fire trucks en route too. When we came across the accident, we could see the car (turned out to be in pieces) but we saw a few police cars parked on lawns and cops appearing to look for something. I couldn't be sure if it was an accident or a fire but the fact that the police cars were parked on the lawn made me think it wasn't a fire. But if it was an accident, what were they looking for? Another victim? I didn't have any answers until a few hours later and I found out that we had encountered the end of a police chase (aha! That's why the cops were "looking" for something/someone). I was grateful to have not left earlier because we would have been travelling south on the same route the chase was going north. Whew! Had a good time at the party, got home late, and my travel companion was no help in entertaining me on the way home (he was asleep by the first exit after we got on the interstate). After a somewhat good night's rest and a full morning of trail rides later, I took a nice nap Sunday afternoon, headed home early and was in bed at a reasonable time. By Monday morning staff meeting it was off and running again. The ice and snow has melted, the ground has now turned sloppy, and I just can't wait for it to turn cold again. ;-) Until next time.....
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