My foot in December. Just a scar! |

The day we left for TN was also the day that Dave Wright announced his retirement. Bye Dave!
March was filled with Brackets for good, girl scout weekends, and the release of The Hunger Games. Why I remember that, I'm not sure but while I was flat on my back two months ago, I read all the books so I was excited to see the release. My cat Seuss broke her leg that month and we had to put down our beloved (?) alpaca Harry.
April brought the chase to summer camp. We often felt as though we were watching the train leave the station but we hadn't even made it to the platform. So April was pretty much summer prep day after day after day.....and May was more the same! But Drica came to visit and it was great to see her and hang out. We "hung out" differently than we had several years ago. Maybe we're (I should only speak for me) older but there's less of the craziness that the Den experienced years ago with Christine, Elisabeth, Drica, Sara, and myself. Trainings began in May and it was off to the races. May also brought one more rain! Thus the beginning of the hottest and driest summer in my personal history.
June-Summer Camp......Dry........Hot. Yep, that's about it. A little bit more seriously though. Seeing that we had no advanced english instructors, I spent a lot of my summer pulling double/triple duty. Taking care of the horses, kids, and counselors; teaching lessons; monitoring (somewhat) LV horsemanship and our awesome photographer Rachel (she really didn't need me looking over her shoulder); and whatever else was needed.
July-All I can remember is pink eye (yeah! not!) and the events that still can't be talked about publicly and still hurt personally. All I can say is whoever you are, the truth will come out and it will be known. But that's a downer of a subject so I digress......Oh yeah, it was still HOT and DRY!
August was a little different. Oh wait, it wasn't. It was still hot and dry! hahaha Only two weeks of summer camp left. Then a little breather and weekend trail rides started up and we attempted to clean up from the summer. That was how most of the fall went. Nothing too spectacular. Had at least one rough weekend in September when Amie was gone to Nebraska and two workers didn't show up and the horses were being complete jerks and the weather was crazy. I went, hat in hand, to Josiah's house and tearfully asked him for help. He jumped at the opportunity to help me out and Annie came out too and I was eternally grateful to the two of them. Amie and I went to Michigan a few days later to a conference and came back with a few new ideas. Most of the fall was consumed with the fencing project, riding Anthony, a trip to Turkey Run, a trip back home for Mandy's baby shower, and went to Braydn's grandparent day.
Saw some great folks leave camp and were sad to see them go. Dave, Beth, Vince, Kirsten, Josiah, and Christa-you're missed!
October was pretty much the same. I did get the chance to get away to Nebraska for a week which was refreshing. November brought hunting, the end of trail rides, and the start of our down time. December was full of getting the Christmas staff video done, parties, postcard writing, Christmas shopping, and a small break. I also got back into the swing of running in late December and hope to continue that. Every step not in pain is a great step!
How I spent the last day of 2012 |
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